Tanishq Coupons & Tanishq Offers 2025

Tanishq Coupon Codes and Promotional Offers at CouponSathi

You can buy a simple piece of jewelry to full jewelry set from Tanishq and that too at a good discounted price. You must apply certain discount offers, coupon codes, and promotional offers before paying at the store. This will ensure that you get a good product at a good discounted rate. You can find all kinds of discount offers and coupon codes at CouponSathi.

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Tanishq Offers, Coupons & Discount Codes to Save on Jewelry

Tanishq Offers 2019 Tanishq Discount Promo Codes
Tanishq Jewellery Coupons Up to 25% Off
Tanishq Promo Code Get Up to Rs 1000 Off
Tanishq Coupon Code Get 10% Off (ICICI Cards)
Tanishq Sale Up to 25% Off
Tanishq Offers Up to 25% Off on Gold & Diamond Jewellery

Company Description: By the end of the 1980s, the Titan Company launched Tanishq in an attempt to earn its own foreign exchange, focused largely on exports. In the early 1990s, India's exchange issue was fixed, and the Titan Company chose to focus the brand on the Indian market. The first production plant launched in August 1992, and Tanishq's first store opened in 1996. Tanishq was the first jewelry retail brand in India. The first years of Tanishq recorded consistent losses. In 2000, Managing Director Xerxes Desai chose Bhaskar Bhat to succeed him. Starting in 2000, its net worth started to grown, and by 2003, Tanishq was among the top 5 retailers in India and made up 40% of the Titan group's revenue.

Tanishq - One that is impeccably good

Tanishq is all about the love of exquisite jewelry, and given the collection they have, there’s no doubt that you are going to completely fall in love with each and every piece of jewelry. Started in 1994, their collection ranges from completely ethnic to wedding jewelry, pieces suited for everyday wear and more. But it is not only their collection but also the promise of providing the best that has helped it stay at the number one spot. Besides these, they bring in great deals from time to time. Grab the Tanishq offers from this page if you are planning to shop with them.

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